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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Come to Tea on Planet Zum-Zee

We read a book called 'Come to Tea on Planet Zum-Zee.'
We thought the food that they eat in the book was very funny! There were biscuits that make musical sounds when you bite them and jelly that giggles and lets off an icky smell.
We thought it would be fun to write our own menus.

Here are just some of the ideas we came up with....

Rainbow musical pancakes that are slippery and slimy. Serena, Hanna and Isabella.
Pink Pancakes. Nadia
Magical chips. Samara and Latasha
Dancing peas. Ava P-R.
Cake that makes you jiggle in your body and sparkly drinks to make you sparkle. Matthew and Cayden.
Cheese that comes right to you. Emma
Wriggling pancakes and ticklish cake. Kaylah and Brianna.

P.S. It was great to see parents and children at our Open Evening last week! It was great to see nthe children sharing their learning.
Also don't forget about Rainbow Week next week!
Monday- Gloucester
Tuesday- Whitemans
Wednesday- Gard
Thursday- Chatsworth
Friday- Rainbow Day

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